INNOCEANA with Taxpayer ID G88129796, and address at Guadarrama (Madrid), C/ Cristóbal Colón 18, and email
[email protected] is the owner of this website with address www.innoceana.org.
The utilisation of this website attributes to the browser, whether an individual or a company, the condition of USER, which involves adhering to the terms and conditions indicated below. For all purposes, the terms and conditions will be considered in the version published at the time when access occurs. We recommended that the USER carefully read the terms and conditions outlined below before making use of the services offered. Access to certain services through this website can also be subject to certain own particular conditions that, as applicable, replace, complete and/or amend these general conditions. Therefore, prior to the access and/or utilisation of our services, the USER must also carefully read the respective particular conditions. Should they not accept the conditions of use, they should abstain from accessing and utilising the services contained in this website. These conditions of use regulate the generic use of the website by the USER who is able to view it and print them out. The owner of the website reserves the right to amend or delete at any time and without prior notice the contents, services and information that are found on this website, as well as to limit or cancel the terms and conditions applicable to the website.
The content of this website is protected by intellectual and industrial property laws. The website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the property of the party responsible for the website or, if applicable, who has express licence or authorisation from the authors. Regardless of the purpose for which they were allocated, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing in any case requires the prior written authorisation of the owner of the website. The violation of any of the aforementioned rights can constitute an infringement of these provisions, as well as a crime punished under Articles 270 and those that follow it of the Criminal Code. The designs, logos, text and/or graphics alien to the party responsible for the website and which could appear on the website belong to their respective owners, these being responsible for any potential dispute that could arise in this regard. In any case, there is the prior express authorisation of said owners.
Any claims that could be filed by the USERS in relation to potential breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights over any of the contents of this website should be addressed to the email [email protected]
Our website can be visited by any USER freely and free of charge. Any personnel information they provide us with will
always be processed pursuant to the provisions of current regulations.
5. CORRECT USE OF THE WEBSITE The USER commits to utilise the website, the contents and the services according to laws, proper conduct and public
The USER undertakes and commits to:
- Not utilise the website or the services that are provided thereby with unlawful purposes or intent, or those contrary to the contents of this Legal Notice that injure the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable or harm the website or its services, or impede other users from making satisfactory use of the website.
- Not destroy, alter, disable or, in any other way, damage the data, the software or the electronic documents and any others that are found on the website.
- Not introduce software, viruses, macroinstructions, mini-applications or any other logic device or sequence of characters that cause or may cause any type of alteration in the IT systems of the party responsible for the website or of third parties.
- Not make improper use of information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any kind of material accessible through the website or of the services that it offers.
- Not introduce discriminatory actions, attitudes or ideas in connection with sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition.
- The party responsible for the website likewise reserves the right to deny or remove access to the website and/or to the services at any time and without the need for prior notice to any USERS who breach these general conditions.
The party responsible for the website will not be liable, neither directly nor jointly and severally for:
The quality of the service, the speed of access, the correct operation, nor the availability nor continuity of the operation of the website.
The existence of service interruptions, delays, errors, malfunctioning thereof and, in general, other problems that have their origin in a cause that is out of the control of the owner of the website.
A wrongful or fraudulent act of the USER and/or that has its origins in causes of force majeure. In any case, whatever its cause could be.
Direct or indirect damages, emergent damage and/or damage due to loss of earnings.
The content and opinions of third parties, nor for the information contained on third party websites which may be accessed via website links or search engines.
Any damages that may be caused to the USERS’ equipment due to potential IT viruses contracted as a result of their browsing on the website or due to any other damage derived from that browsing.
The breach of laws, morality and generally accepted proper conduct or public order as a result of the transfer, dissemination, storage, provision, reception, obtaining or access to the content.
The vices and defects of all manner of the content transferred, disseminated, stored or provided, the lack of updating or of accuracy thereof, nor their scientific quality, if applicable.
The owner likewise does not guarantee that the website and the server are virus-free and is not liable for the damages caused due to access to the website or due to it being impossible to access.
The owner will have the right, there being no compensation whatsoever to the USER for these concepts, to temporarily suspend the services and contents of the website in order to carry out maintenance operations, upgrades or repairs thereof.
Pursuant to the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, we inform you that any information provided by the user will be incorporated into the processing system owned by the responsible party, in order to facilitate, streamline and fulfill the commitments established between both parties. The owner and responsible party likewise inform that the data will be stored during the term strictly necessary to comply with the aforementioned provisions. As long as you do not otherwise notify, we will understand that your data have not been amended, that you commit to notify us of any change and that we have your consent to utilise then for the aforementioned purposes. You are informed that the data will be processed in a manner that is lawful, loyal, transparent, appropriate, pertinent, limited, accurate and up-to-date. For this reason, the responsible party commits to adopt all the reasonable measures in order that these are deleted or rectified without delay when they are inaccurate. According to the rights conferred thereon by current regulations with regard to data protection, the user may exercise the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of their personal data, as well as the consent given for the processing thereof, and must address their request in writing, identifying themself sufficiently, to the address mentioned in point 1.
They may also address the Control Authority in order to submit any claim they deem appropriate.
Pursuant to the provisions of Law 34/2002 of 11th July governing Information Society and E-commerce Services (LSSICE), the policy regarding email focuses on sending only communications that the USER has asked to receive, having voluntary and expressly transferred their consent. If the user wishes to receive these communications, they should address their request in writing, identifying themself sufficiently, to the email [email protected]
These conditions are written in Spanish and adhere to current Spanish legislation. For any litigious matter or one that concerns this website, the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, Spain will have jurisdiction.